Capitalism is the most boring of economic systems today. Instead of a nation fostering invention, art, culture and creative ideas, its ends up being a race to push and pull the tides of cash flow. Neither intelligence or brilliance of any kind are needed here. Sadly, the people of the highest intellectual value in a society are treated poorly, while the poor and homeless live rent free. Something is very wrong here. One day together, as a nation, we can and will achieve solidarity and just purposes for everyone. I believe it is possible. I believe that one day we won’t have to exploit the tired, the hungry, the poor that we not too long ago invited to this country for promise of a better lifestyle. I believe in each and every one of you, wanting to wake up in your own town and not worry about things like mortgages, rent, food, shelter, energy costs, and a depleting ozone.
One day, we will be forced to make a decision. Either we can go on the way we are going and end in complete destruction of all basic human needs. Or, we can start to give credit where credit is due.
We can educate the lost ones. We can feed the minds and bellies of the homeless. We can begin to take care of everyone by relinquishing our systems broken hierarchies. We can let go of our familiar ideas of who’s who and what’s on the TV for dinner. We can believe in ourselves again, and take pride in knowing that at least our country won’t be the laughing stock of other nations news channels forever. We can start immediately.
WE can start by retiring those people who no longer justify the positions of power and income. We can start by recreating a leveling-mechanism which serves to redistribute wealth. We can begin by realizing that our system only truly serves the complete needs of its people, that are in positions of great power. It’s time to rethink the way we live. It’s time to rethink how and why we way pay the wrong people to perform tasks they are not suited for just because they know someone. It’s time to rethink the whole concept of what a nation is and what the values of a country, state, city, town, street, household, person should be. This will not work without you. This can only work with you. Thank you.